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At American SpeedLoaders, LLC we engineer our firearm accessories for reliability and ease of use.


Product Reviews & Testimonials:

WOW !!!!!!! This CP33 loader is Awesome!!!! Used it at a rimfire challenge match yesterday, how could anyone that owns a CP33 live without one? Great job!! If your Glock loader works even half as well, I’ll be ordering one for my Glock 9mm Wilson combat. It will work on my Wilson Combat pistol and my Wilson PCC. Will sure save my thumbs at my steel challenge and USPSA matches.

Y’all done GREAT!!!!! Just can’t get over how well it worked… I could even use it with gloves on… (it was 26 degrees when the match started) I’ll be showing this bad boy loader off everywhere I go!

Thank you so so much.

Super impressed!!!

Darral E Green

Click Here! to check out the product review of the AMERICAN SPEEDLOADERS NEST STYLE LOADER FOR GLOCK 9MM/40SW done by Ryan Cross at Firearms Insider Community!


Check out this cool video from one of the premier manufactures of fiber laser marking equipment, Laser Marking Technologies, another american made company! These are also the same lasers that engrave our logo and model number into every one of our nest style loaders!

Laser Engraving Henry Goldenboy lever action .22
Laser Engraving Henry Goldenboy lever action .22